
Our innovative and holistic early childhood education program provides a balanced approach to give you the satisfaction and peace of mind that your child is not only getting ready for kindergarten but also to take on the real world!

  • Phonetics and Phonology method.
  • Montessori Basis Curriculum – Montessori is a method of education that is based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play. In Montessori classrooms children make creative choices in their learning, while the classroom and the teacher offer age-appropriate activities to guide the process.
    • Fine and Gross Motor Skills Development
    • Sensorial Development
    • Social Skills
    • Language Development

The goal of the Cocoonz Curriculum is to

  • Provide the best possible ‘start’ in life
  • Nurture lifelong learning
  • Bring out the best and the uniqueness in EVERY child

Our 8 pronged approach ensures that we meet our curriculum goals and our children get the very best!


Children with Interpersonal intelligence typically learn best by working with others. Here the approach to teach the child would be through getting the children involved in discussions and debates.


Intrapersonal Intelligence has to do with introspective and self-reflective capacities. Those who are strongest in this intelligence learn best when allowed to concentrate on the subject by themselves. There is often a high level of perfectionism associated with this intelligence.


Children with high verbal-linguistic intelligence display a facility with words and languages. They tend to learn best by reading, listening and discussing. They are also frequently skilled at explaining, teaching and oration. Those with verbal-linguistic intelligence learn multiple languages very easily.


Musically smart children have a high level of musical-rhythmic intelligence display greater sensitivity to sounds, rhythms, tones, and music. These children will often use songs or rhythms to learn and memorize information, and may work best with music playing in the background.


This Logical-mathematical intelligence has to do with logic, abstractions, reasoning, and numbers. Children with this style of learning are more receptive to activities involving mathematical ability and more reasoning capabilities, abstract patterns recognition.


Children with Naturalistic Intelligence have greater sensitivity to nature and their place within it, the ability to nurture and grow things, and greater ease in caring for, taming and interacting with animals. These children must connect a new experience with prior knowledge to truly learn something new. Naturalistic learners would learn more through being outside or in a kinesthetic way.


A child with Visual-spatial intelligence will be typically very good at visualizing and mentally manipulating objects. Those with visual-spatial intelligence also generally have a very good sense of direction and may also have very good hand-eye coordination.


This approach tries to impart concepts by getting the children to learn by involving muscular movement, i.e. getting up and moving around into the learning experience. The activities would involve yoga, sports and dance. The children with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence usually learn best by doing something physically, rather than reading or hearing about it.